Wednesday, May 8, 2013

A Tiara Kind of Day

“The king loves your beauty.” 
[Ps 45:11a NCV]

She pulled it out of the basket, hidden safe beneath the seat of her walker.

She always has it on her . . . but she doesn’t always wear it.

Every once-in-awhile she places it high atop her head and sports it like she owns it.

It’s a tiara.

I wonder what provokes this occasional crowning. Is it a confidence in her royalty? Is it defensive—when doubt plagues? Is it a battle strategy to lift her assaulted spirit? Is it the escape of fantasy or just plain fun? Whatever the prompt or circumstance, cause or need, it suits her—for she is a daughter of the King. A beautiful, beloved princess with a rich inheritance.

As are YOU!

“Listen, my dear brothers and sisters!
God chose the poor in the world to be rich with faith
and to receive the kingdom God promised to those who love him.”
 [Jms 2:5 NCV]

Do you see yourself through that lens?

What if you did?

Wouldn't owning that truth change your perspective? In a good way?

Won’t it help us to better realize the worth of His children? God has made this truth known, knowing it would make a difference—effecting change in both our attitude and conduct accordingly. That it might encourage the low-esteemed, down-troddened. That it would empower us to act as royalty and hopefully treat others in the same regard.

Wearing that tiara is knowing you are loved.

And . You . Are!

You are loved by God, rescued by God, romanced by God, redeemed of God into the kingdom of His Son, the King.

Esther comes to mind—reluctantly crowned as the king’s bride for the sake of her people. She wore her tiara with strength, courage and wisdom.

Your tiara? It’s the radiance of joy and the gleam of hope of your salvation; the peace and contentment of your faith. It’s wearing the banner of the Name of Jesus, your crowning glory, in a noticeable way.

Wearing that tiara is knowing Whose you are.

So, c’mon ladies, don those crowns and let the world know you are the prized daughter of the King. Release the princess in you!

Everyday can be a tiara-kinda-day.

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